System Utilities
€ 15.35
Update drivers for any hardware device! DriverMax is the number one driver updater for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP (both 64-bit and 32-bit editions). It finds the latest driver versions needed for your PC and downloads them. In addition to updating existing drivers, it can identify unknown devices in your PC (if there are any) and download drivers for them, too. DriverMax is ideal both for keeping your drivers up to date and for reinstalling Windows.
Download Trial€ 57.03
Update drivers for any hardware device! DriverMax is the number one driver updater for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP (both 64-bit and 32-bit editions). It finds the latest driver versions needed for your PC and downloads them. In addition to updating existing drivers, it can identify unknown devices in your PC (if there are any) and download drivers for them, too. DriverMax is ideal both for keeping your drivers up to date and for reinstalling Windows.
Download Trial€ 45.39
Update drivers for any hardware device! DriverMax is the number one driver updater for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP (both 64-bit and 32-bit editions). It finds the latest driver versions needed for your PC and downloads them. In addition to updating existing drivers, it can identify unknown devices in your PC (if there are any) and download drivers for them, too. DriverMax is ideal both for keeping your drivers up to date and for reinstalling Windows.
Download Trial€ 35.22
€ 14.54
€ 78.57
€ 39.26
€ 15.68
€ 785.23
Glary Utilities PRO offers numerous powerful and easy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC. It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces. Furthermore, Glary Utilities PRO includes powerful functions such as disk analysis,software uninstaller,startup manager,memory optimizer,system info, duplicate files finder,secure file deletion and more.
Download Trial€ 29.10
€ 295.92
Aml Maple is a new point of view at keyboard layout indicators: simple, modern, flexible.
Aml Maple indicates the active layout being currently used (the language you are typing at this particular moment). It is always in front of you, exactly at the place you are typing!
Download Trial€ 47.15
There Is No Limitation in Lost File Size! Recover and Relive Lost files, Accidently Deleted Data,
Permanently Deleted Files from macOS, Mac OS X, Time Machine Backup Drive, External Hard Drive,
Flash Drives, Memory Cards, Cameras and Camcorders etc.
Download Trial